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MexDC 8

Benefits of Membership in MEXDC

  • Be part of the leading data center industry in Mexico.
  • Promotion both domestically and internationally.
  • Participation in committees and events with sector associations from other countries.
  • Lobbying with governmental organizations.
  • Efficient representation in interest groups.
  • Increased visibility and brand effectiveness through the website, publications, and other activities.
  • Presence at various open and private conferences.
  • Actively follow standards, quality authorities, and environmental regulations.
  • Guidance on direct and indirect issues related to the sector.
  • Participation in fairs, organizing meetings, signing international alliances, and, in general, engaging in any activity related to the sector.
  • The ability to publish news through the association’s channels.
  • Access to the MEXDC portal with marketing materials, public relations, and internal news.
  • Image, reliability, and trust: fundamental conditions for sector recognition and for the integrity of affiliated companies.

Any colocation or hyperscale data center company operating infrastructures in the Mexican Republic can become a member of MEXDC. As partners, any company from the data center ecosystem can participate, including manufacturers, integrators, distributors, engineering firms, consultants, etc.